You can use this code in order to post a card (or master badge if you so desire) from colorPOP. You can use the "Card" button, or you can type in the code manually. To display the image, use only the filename of the card. If I wanted to display the card rubykurosawa13, I would use the code
Code: Select all

If I wanted to display the master badge for makotokino, I would use the code
Code: Select all

Post a Member Card
You can use this code in order to post a member card. You can use the "MC" button, or you can type in the code manually. To display the card, use only the member's name with correct capitalization. If I wanted to display my member card, I would use the code
Code: Select all

Post a Coupon
You can use this code in order to post a coupon. You can use the "Coupon" button, or you can type in the code manually. To display the coupon, use only the filename of the coupon. If I wanted to display a Choice Special Card coupon, I would use the code
Code: Select all

Post a Thumbnail
If you have a particularly large image you need to post, you can use the thumbnail code. You can use the "Thumbnail" button, or you can type in the code manually. To display a thumbnail image, use the full URL of the image you'd like to post. If I wanted to post a thumbnail of the forum header, I would use the code
Code: Select all

Center a Post
If you want to add a little style to your post, you can center the text or images. You can use the "Center" button, or you can type in the code manually. To center your post, use the code
Code: Select all
[center]Your text goes here![/center]
Your text goes here!
Post a SpoilerIf you want to post a spoiler, or just be able to hide certain parts of your post, you can use the spoiler code. You can use the Eye icon, or you can type in the code manually. To post a spoiler, use the code
Code: Select all
[spoiler]Hidden text goes here![/spoiler]
Code: Select all
[spoiler=Spoiler Title]Hidden text goes here![/spoiler]
Spoiler Title
Hidden text goes here!
You can use this code to create a blockquote. You can use the "Blockquote" button, or you can type in the code manually. To create a blockquote, use the code
Code: Select all
[blockquote]Your text goes here[/blockquote]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborumMake an Indent
You can use this code to create an indent. You can use the "Indent" button, or you can type in the code manually. To create an indent, use the code
Code: Select all
[indent]Your text is now slightly to the right
Your text is now slightly to the right
This is where text would normally be.