Positive Japanese candlesticks
Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 10:56 pm
Positive Japanese candlesticks are one of the types of Japanese candlesticks, which represent a chart of market prices. This chart shows closing points, opening points, and the high and low price for specific time periods, and was first invented by the Japanese.
الشموع اليابانية للمبتدئين
I was then known among Western traders through a broker called “Steele Neeson” in the 1990s.
The long body of the green candle indicates an upward direction in the price, and when the length of the wick is longer than the long body, it indicates major fluctuations in the market during this period, and this explains the constant competition between bulls and bears. With the aim of taking control, the bulls were the ones who won in the end.
الشموع اليابانية للمبتدئين
I was then known among Western traders through a broker called “Steele Neeson” in the 1990s.
The long body of the green candle indicates an upward direction in the price, and when the length of the wick is longer than the long body, it indicates major fluctuations in the market during this period, and this explains the constant competition between bulls and bears. With the aim of taking control, the bulls were the ones who won in the end.