Activity Logs
August 30, 2021 -----
- War: amazingtraveldna13, kurohyatogami03, yokolittner18, emmaverde05, 2 Pop Points- Blackjack: chrom16, ignisscientia09- Card Puzzle: rukiakuchiki14, motokokusanagi13- Color Wheel: fran05, ringonoyamano13, 5 Pop Points, 2 Color Drops- Guess the Number: clairestanfield12, roymustang19, 3 Color Drops- Hangman: grandopening09, tokiyaichinose03, 1 Pop Points, 3 Color Drops- Puzzle: amaterasu09, larxene18, fayevalentine06- Release Voting: subarusakamaki06, butlersinwonderland20, beachsidedrive14, yukisohma04, ranmarukurosaki10, killuazoldyck11- Fashion Check: gladiolusamicitia01, honokakosaka14, kasumitoyama20, sousukeaizen19, dragonsongwar17, mamoruchiba19, 10 Pop Points, 4 Color Drops- Card Claim: hajimeichinose01, katsukibakugou10, naomidorikawa01 & shikigranbell10- Memory: seiferalmasy12, ringonoyamano09, nicoyazawa16, fayevalentine08, 5 Pop Points- Slot Machine: kyouyahibari12, morgana18, belial04, madokakaname06, 2 Pop Points- Card Match: eleanorhume11, sakuramatou06, kamuishirou16, sasukeuchiha04, okitasouji13, yukaritakeba01, kururusumeragi13, homuraakemi06, 4 Pop Points- Scrambled: yuihirasawa02, kasumitoyama02, mochifestival20, fayevalentine05, sakurakinomoto20, merlin08, lyria04, sebastianmichaelis09- Warped Card: leifthrasir04, rikku05, chrom20, felicia05, kohaku03, honokakosaka19, setsunahigashi11, carlos14, 10 Pop Points, 2 Color Drops- Mash Up: gintokisakata05, aymericdeborel15, harukatenou19, beachsidedrive17, arashikishu18, uryuuishida20, larxene17, hanayokoizumi02, ponyo12, taigaaisaka11, rosetoz06, ranmarukurosaki05, 4 Pop Points
July 31, 2021 -----
- Slot Machine: shirouemiya18, minaminitta05, twinklestars12, chiyosakura02, homuraakemi01, red18, butlersinwonderland02, aikasgranzchesta14, 4 Pop Points- War: 4 Color Drops- Freebies: yato09, orihimeinoue09, fran02, rinhoshizora02, photonmelodies08, kotoriminami08, 5 Pop Points, 2 Color Drops- Blackjack: leifthrasir10, ladyoscar02, aikasgranzchesta11, gildedrococo20- Color Wheel: roymustang17, sesshomaru14, ranmouri12, usagitsukino08, 10 Pop Points, 4 Color Drops- Hangman: hotarutomoe05, diarmuiduadubhne08, reisakuma06, mcgillisfareed09, 2 Pop Points, 6 Color Drops- Puzzle: red10, rebeccabluegarden04, gaeliobauduin19, minorikushieda03, atsukokagari06, emilia10- Card Puzzle: milesedgeworth10, emiyaarcher13, sunfloweryukata15, rinhoshizora20- Guess the Number: aimiyashita07, rintohsaka05, byakuyakuchiki05, alisaieleveilleur10, 6 Color Drops- Memory: diarmuiduadubhne17, chiyo15, seiferalmasy14, homuraakemi20, yurilowell04, cielphantomhive14, futabasakura05, misakiokusawa13, 10 Pop Points- Release Voting: rebeccabluegarden20, motokokusanagi07, makotokino13, amimizuno11, cecilharvey05, izukumidoriya17, hotarutomoe09, diarmuiduadubhne12, atsukokagari08, ichikahoshino06, ruckus14, camus08- Missing Lyrics: hanyuufurude07, minorikushieda19, 2 Color Drops- Spot the Differences: rintohsaka11, beachsidedrive04, madokakaname16, minaminitta02, amaterasu05, 3 Pop Points- Lotto: clairestanfield14, hutao02, 2 Pop Points, 1 Color Drops- Pick an Idol: gengar04, eevee09, orihimeinoue14, 5 Pop Points, 10 Color Drops- Mastery (ichigokurosaki): sakurakinomoto16, sakurakinomoto17, clairestanfield07, mariohara05, forestfairies10, 10 Pop Points, 5 Color Drops- Mastery (orihimeinoue): butlersinwonderland16, butlersinwonderland11, okitasouji01, twinklestars20, emiyaarcher03, 10 Pop Points, 5 Color Drops- Mastery (prejoin): butlersinwonderland10, butlersinwonderland09, fou01, genos20, hajimeichinose18, 10 Pop Points, 5 Color Drops- Mastery (sakurakinomoto): clairestanfield08, cielphantomhive17, mordred18, venti02, kyouyahibari07, 10 Pop Points, 5 Color Drops- Mastery (beachsidedrive): cielphantomhive16, cielphantomhive15, larxene04, setsunameiou13, chiyosakura17, 10 Pop Points, 5 Color Drops- Mastery (butlersinwonderland): cielphantomhive06, cielphantomhive05, yato17, sayakamiki20, kohaku12, 10 Pop Points, 5 Color Drops- Mastery (clairestanfield): cielphantomhive02, gildedrococo16, crowarmbrust09, butlersinwonderland18, taigaaisaka06, 10 Pop Points, 5 Color Drops- Mastery (cielphantomhive): gildedrococo14, gildedrococo13, reijisakamaki19, lordelmelloiii06, prejoin15, 10 Pop Points, 5 Color Drops- Mastery (gildedrococo): kyosohma16, kyosohma15, camus15, chibiusatsukino16, cielphantomhive18, 10 Pop Points, 5 Color Drops- Pop Shop: kyosohma08, kyosohma11, kyosohma13, kyosohma14, mikotosuoh09 (-70 Pop Points)- Pop Shop: mikotosuoh, mikotosuoh14, mikotosuoh15, mikotosuoh16, mikotosuoh17 (-70 Pop Points)- Pop Shop: larxene06, larxene09, larxene11, larxene15, larxene16 (-70 Pop Points)- Pop Shop: larxene20, homuraakemi10, homuraakemi13, homuraakemi15, homuraakemi16 (-70 Pop Points)- Mastery (kyosohma): homuraakemi17, homuraakemi18, rubykurosawa03, queenberyl18, reisakuma14, 10 Pop Points, 5 Color Drops- Mastery (mikotosuoh): homuraakemi19, alphonseelric10, chiyo16, kasumitoyama11, deelaytner18, 10 Pop Points, 5 Color Drops- Mastery (larxene): alphonseelric11, alphonseelric12, kisukeurahara02, kuja15, yuukoichihara01, 10 Pop Points, 5 Color Drops- Mastery (homuraakemi): alphonseelric13, alphonseelric16, cainchargreaves16, tohruhonda11, chiyosakura19, 10 Pop Points, 5 Color Drops- Pop Shop: alphonseelric19 (-10 Pop Points)- Pop Shop: alphonseelric20 (-10 Pop Points)- Mastery (alphonseelric): artemis08, artemis09, princessserenity11, crowarmbrust04, kagomehigurashi03, 10 Pop Points, 5 Color Drops- Pop Shop: artemis17 (-10 Pop Points)- Pop Shop: reiasuka_figure (-20 Color Drops)- Pop Shop: rinhoshizora_figure (-20 Color Drops)- Pop Shop: sailormoon_figma (-20 Color Drops)- Pop Shop: shiro_figure (-20 Color Drops)- Pop Shop: umisonoda_figure (-20 Color Drops)- Pop Shop: yshtolarhul_figure (-20 Color Drops)- Pop Shop: beastars03 (-5 Color Drops)- Pop Shop: bishoujosenshisailormoon01 (-5 Color Drops)- Pop Shop: bishoujosenshisailormoon02 (-5 Color Drops)- Pop Shop: bishoujosenshisailormoon03 (-5 Color Drops)- Pop Shop: kimetsunoyaiba01 (-5 Color Drops)- Pop Shop: rentagirlfriend01 (-5 Color Drops)- Pop Shop: descendingstories01 (-5 Color Drops)- Pop Shop: descendingstories02 (-5 Color Drops)- Pop Shop: descendingstories03 (-5 Color Drops)- Pop Shop: descendingstories04 (-5 Color Drops)- Pop Shop: descendingstories05 (-20 Color Drops)- Level Up (Apricot): artemis10, artemis11, artemis13, naomidorikawa11, felicia14, nicoyazawa20, byakuyakuchiki18, rikunanase18, 50 Pop Points, 10 Color Drops- Level Up (Goldenrod): artemis16, artemis14, mikuhatsune20, aikasgranzchesta07, crowarmbrust13, sakurakinomoto10, crowarmbrust09, allenwalker09, 50 Pop Points, 10 Color Drops- Mastery (artemis): mikuhatsune18, mikuhatsune17, minorikushieda04, kagomehigurashi18, minorikushieda13, 10 Pop Points, 5 Color Drops- Doubles Exchange: nanaosaki07, akoudagawa01, minakoaino15, genos05, ranmarukurosaki19, aimiyashita13, ignisscientia15, ignisscientia19, emiyaarcher20, reanschwarzer06, ichigokurosaki05, seiferalmasy12, lordelmelloiii01, terrabranford09, reihino06, hanayokoizumi04, amazingtraveldna17, mikakagehira12, sailorgalaxia10, rubykurosawa18, grandopening15, rebeccabluegarden19, venti06, homuraakemi10, lisaimai15, okitasouji07, bayonetta09, noctisluciscaelum07, yurilowell02, sunfloweryukata10, chibiusatsukino12, kisukeurahara16, homuraakemi02, utenatenjou17, akarimizunashi16, gildedrococo15, okitasouji11, subarusakamaki15, grandopening20, kuja08, zerokiryuu15, forestfairies03, sailorgalaxia06, lyria10, haruhifujioka11, natsudragneel05, allenwalker03, clairestanfield16, eleanorhume12, miraikuriyama04, eruchitanda15, natsudragneel12, tokiyaichinose14, ponyo11 (-aimiyashita07, amimizuno16, arashikishu14, artemis02, atsukokagari13, aymericdeborel13, balthier18, bayonetta03, camus19, carlos02, carlos03, cecilharvey03, chiyo11, chiyosakura19, cielphantomhive18, crowarmbrust09, darkmousy04, diarmuiduadubhne08, diarmuiduadubhne12, emilystewart18, emmaverde12, fou01, hanyuufurude07, hanyuufurude19, haruhifujioka14, harukatenou17, homuraakemi09, hotarutomoe01, hotarutomoe11, kisukeurahara12, kyouyahibari06, ladyoscar02, ladyoscar03, ladyoscar06, lisaimai09, lordelmelloiii06, michirukaiou01, minaminitta02, mochifestival01, mordred18, nicoyazawa20, orochibattle01, orochibattle11, prejoin15, princessserenity03, rebeccabluegarden01, rinhoshizora19, rubykurosawa03, sasukeuchiha07, twinklestars20, yoshikotsushima03, yoshikotsushima18, yuukoichihara20, yuumorisawa12)- Doubles Exchange: noctisluciscaelum14, yokolittner15, mordred06, rukiakuchiki17, venti10, weareonelight06, yuumorisawa20, cecilharvey12, renjiabarai20 (-aimiyashita13, grandopening15, ignisscientia15, natsudragneel05, okitasouji07, reanschwarzer06, terrabranford09, tokiyaichinose14, utenatenjou17)- Pop Shop: mikuhatsune13, mikuhatsune12, mikuhatsune11, mikuhatsune10, mikuhatsune09 (-70 Pop Points)- Pop Shop: mikuhatsune08 (-10 Pop Points)- Pop Shop: mikuhatsune06 (-10 Pop Points)- Pop Shop: taigaaisaka04 (-10 Pop Points)- Mastery (mikuhatsune): taigaaisaka18, taigaaisaka17, kuja12, yokolittner03, heartrainbow01, 10 Pop Points, 5 Color Drops- Pop Shop: taigaaisaka16 (-10 Pop Points)
July 24, 2021 -----
- War: cielphantomhive07, phoenixwright06, ringonoyamano04, yuumorisawa12, 2 Pop Points- Blackjack: weareonelight12, harukatenou02- Card Puzzle: homuraakemi06, chriskoron16- Color Wheel: madokakaname18, madokakaname14, 5 Pop Points, 2 Color Drops- Guess the Number: orochibattle01, cielphantomhive10, 3 Color Drops- Hangman: camus19, rukiakuchiki19, 1 Pop Points, 3 Color Drops- Memory: emilystewart16, hanayokoizumi12, taigaaisaka15, uryuuishida10, 5 Pop Points- Release Voting: sunfloweryukata07, merlin09, princessserenity03, chiyo11, milesedgeworth17, kotoriminami18- Fashion Check: eschamalier16, red01, lulu03, lordelmelloiii12, ringonoyamano18, ladyoscar06, 10 Pop Points, 4 Color Drops- Slot Machine: yato10, sailorgalaxia20, akarimizunashi06, chii09, 2 Pop Points- Puzzle: yuna07, yuukoichihara08, mariohara19- Card Match: yoshikotsushima08, orochibattle11, amimizuno16, carlos02, yukine16, cainchargreaves03, yuna17, mikuhatsune07, 4 Pop Points- Scrambled: minorikushieda09, yuukoichihara10, shikigranbell14, sasukeuchiha10, emmaverde19, otomearisugawa19, yuumorisawa18, yukisohma09- Mash Up: red19, lucyheartfilia01, lisaimai06, hajimeichinose09, kuja07, heartrainbow20, photonmelodies06, emilia14, fran12, cielphantomhive08, minorikushieda06, hotarutomoe17, 4 Pop Points- Warped Card: michirukaiou11, princessserenity15, lisaimai09, renjiabarai19, witchrepose14, alphonseelric08, zerokiryuu16, ranmasaotome06, 10 Pop Points, 2 Color Drops- Card Claim: beachsidedrive10, cecilharvey12, futabasakura16 & zerokiryuu03- Birthday: yoruichishihouin03, ranmarukurosaki17, byakuyakuchiki11, okitasouji08, okitasouji14, 2 choice coupons
July 08, 2021 -----
- Birthday: hanyuufurude01, ranmasaotome05, kyouyahibari12, juriarisugawa07, shinigamibeachparty07, 2 choice coupons
July 05, 2021 -----
- War: 2 Color Drops- Freebies: djeeta17, terrabranford02, hanyuufurude03, emmaverde17, shikigranbell10, clairestanfield05, sailorgalaxia16, sasukeuchiha14, rintohsaka01, bayonetta04, rebeccabluegarden01, yuumorisawa07, 10 Pop Points, 4 Color Drops- Blackjack: gilgamesh09, natsudragneel20- Card Puzzle: howljenkins11, naomidorikawa17- Color Wheel: sasukeuchiha16, leifthrasir01, 5 Pop Points, 2 Color Drops- Guess the Number: tooruoikawa18, lisaimai07, 3 Color Drops- Hangman: princessserenity05, hanyuufurude10, 1 Pop Points, 3 Color Drops- Memory: kisukeurahara06, aymericdeborel11, miraikuriyama08, balthier18, 5 Pop Points- Puzzle: nicoyazawa15, rikku13, amimizuno12- Random Event: makinishikino14- Release Voting: djeeta15, gilgamesh18, wintersweets07, leifthrasir01, chii14, rinhoshizora03- Lotto: makotokino09, kururusumeragi06- Pick an Idol: renjiabarai08, tooruoikawa16, lordelmelloiii05, merlin04, ayamaruyama05, renjiabarai08, 10 Pop Points, 10 Color Drops- Spot the Differences: kururusumeragi09, nicoyazawa15, kasumitoyama19, darkmousy04, rukiakuchiki16, fayevalentine04, rubykurosawa06, ranmasaotome07, usagitsukino20, carlos03, 6 Pop Points- Puzzle Series (01): ruckus15, mikuhatsune02, kurohyatogami11- Puzzle Series (02): hajimeichinose06, clairestanfield17, amazingtraveldna11, yui09- Puzzle Series (03): arashikishu17, kyouyahibari06, carlos20, makotokino20, shin14- Puzzle Series (04): ichigokurosaki12, rubykurosawa03, sakura02, crowarmbrust03, noctisluciscaelum04, mikakagehira13- Puzzle Series (05): yuna19, katsukibakugou11, uryuuishida12, killuazoldyck03, princessserenity04, 5 Pop Points, 10 Color Drops, choicecoupon, choicecoupon- Shooting Star: yuumorisawa13, balthier09, 5 Color Drops- Slot Machine: orochibattle19, yoruichishihouin13, yuukoichihara20, aymericdeborel06, 2 Pop Points- Find Me: sasukeuchiha07, sunfloweryukata19, mcgillisfareed14, merlin11, nicoyazawa06, 10 Pop Points, 10 Color Drops- Find Me: juriarisugawa14, kamuishirou02, akoudagawa15, hanyuufurude02, 5 Pop Points, 10 Color Drops- Missing Lyrics: luna18, ruckus17, homuraakemi11, sousukeaizen18, 4 Color Drops- Group Collect: cainchargreaves05, akarimizunashi07, mochifestival14 (-blacklady12)- Collaborate: yuukoichihara17, fuumamonou15- Swap Pot: swapped ayamaruyama05 for renjiabarai18
June 28, 2021 -----
- War: 4 Color Drops- Blackjack: happy18, mcgillisfareed20, grandopening14, gilgamesh12- Card Puzzle: minorikushieda20, sakurakinomoto13, happypills17, valentines08- Guess the Number: mikotosuoh08, hanyuufurude13, homuraakemi07, mamoruchiba05, 6 Color Drops- Color Wheel: kyosohma17, ichigokurosaki13, otomearisugawa17, yoruichishihouin20, 10 Pop Points, 4 Color Drops- Hangman: yoshikotsushima03, akoudagawa09, chibiusatsukino06, yurikatoudou02, 2 Pop Points, 6 Color Drops- Memory: diarmuiduadubhne12, camus16, chiyosakura12, hanyuufurude19, byakuyakuchiki07, witchrepose01, reisakuma10, yukine18, 10 Pop Points- Release Voting: haruhifujioka14, shikigranbell06, emmaverde12, arashikishu14, eruchitanda20, witchrepose09, artoriapendragon04, eleanorhume11, futabasakura06, yoshikotsushima18, mikakagehira08, minakoaino20- Puzzle: emmaverde07, ranmasaotome13, darkmousy04, lordelmelloiii06, kisukeurahara05, juriarisugawa02- Slot Machine: yuumorisawa01, mochifestival08, setsunameiou16, rintohsaka15, reisakuma11, fran10, atsukokagari13, honokakosaka13, 4 Pop Points- Fashion Check: akoudagawa12, kamuishirou17, fou01, 5 Pop Points, 2 Color Drops- Warped Card: aikasgranzchesta16, fayevalentine18, prejoin04, chrom13, 5 Pop Points, 1 Color Drops- Scrambled: kasumitoyama07, darkmousy14, michirukaiou01, mikuhatsune16- Mash Up: felicia15, hotarutomoe11, homuraakemi09, wintersweets05, cecilharvey02, zerokiryuu13, 2 Pop Points- Card Claim: cielphantomhive01 & mikuhatsune01- Group Collect: renjiabarai11, okitasouji07, diarmuiduadubhne15 (-chrom13)- Card Match: yukine07, beachsidedrive05, ranmasaotome09, makotokino15, 2 Pop Points- Collaborate: okitasouji20, uryuuishida19- Pop Shop: nozomitojo_figure (-20 Color Drops)- Pop Shop: beastars02 (-5 Color Drops)- Pop Shop: shin19 (-10 Pop Points)- Pop Shop: shin20 (-10 Pop Points)- Pop Shop: shin16 (-10 Pop Points)- Mastery (shin): sakurakinomoto12, sakurakinomoto15, reanschwarzer06, ladyoscar03, hanyuufurude07, 10 Pop Points, 5 Color Drops
June 22, 2021 -----
- Donation (Yugi Muto): bayonetta03, phoenixwright04, naomidorikawa03, 5 Pop Points, 1 Color Drops
June 21, 2021 -----
- War: sakurakinomoto11, amazingtraveldna09, haruhifujioka04, clairestanfield16, artemis04, lisaimai03, byakuyakuchiki04, minaminitta04, 4 Pop Points- Freebies: merlin02, alicecarroll03, fou20, reisakuma15, zhongli18, yurikatoudou18, 5 Pop Points, 2 Color Drops- Blackjack: michirukaiou06, merlin18, happypills13, rikunanase06- Card Puzzle: fuumamonou08, okitasouji17, felicia17, minorikushieda10- Color Wheel: sayakamiki04, harukatenou18, chrom12, butlersinwonderland17, 10 Pop Points, 4 Color Drops- Guess the Number: yato07, mamoruchiba17, lisaimai10, yoshikotsushima16, 6 Color Drops- Hangman: utenatenjou17, chiyosakura19, aimiyashita07, diarmuiduadubhne09, 2 Pop Points, 6 Color Drops- Memory: amazingtraveldna10, blacklady15, artemis20, lisaimai09, orihimeinoue20, merlin17, milesedgeworth14, ayamaruyama02, 10 Pop Points- Release Voting: yuukoichihara13, byakuyakuchiki15, naomidorikawa20, sunfloweryukata01, cielphantomhive20, hotarutomoe11, roymustang14, twinklestars18, larxene18, utenatenjou03, yukinaminato10, eruchitanda09- Lotto: izukumidoriya01, minaminitta07, orochibattle01, diarmuiduadubhne08, 5 Pop Points, 5 Color Drops- Missing Lyrics: orihimeinoue18, prejoin15, 2 Color Drops- Pick an Idol: yuukoichihara12, kisukeurahara14, eruchitanda07- Slot Machine: kyouyahibari16, dragonsongwar19, crowarmbrust06, fayevalentine19, zerokiryuu01, orochibattle03, gildedrococo04, terrabranford08, 4 Pop Points- Puzzle: forestfairies01, reisakuma01, yasutorasado16, emmaverde14, dragonsongwar17, mariohara10- Spot the Differences: cainchargreaves09, mikakagehira09, forestfairies19, arashikishu06, eruchitanda01, 3 Pop Points- Puzzle Series (01): yukinaminato09, emilystewart18, yoruichishihouin03- Puzzle Series (02): sesshomaru06, roymustang01, aymericdeborel09, sunfloweryukata06- Puzzle Series (03): kisukeurahara12, lyria05, honokakosaka03, ignisscientia12, kuja01- Puzzle Series (04): mamitomoe04, ranmouri05, hotarutomoe10, terrabranford17, carlos13, juriarisugawa16- Puzzle Series (05): roymustang12, emmaverde04, ranmarukurosaki02, ichigokurosaki09, camus04, 5 Pop Points, 10 Color Drops, choicecoupon, choicecoupon- Swap Pot: swapped amazingtraveldna16 for butlersinwonderland01- Pop Shop: tohruhonda12, tohruhonda14, tohruhonda15, tohruhonda19, grandopening09 (-70 Pop Points)- Pop Shop: grandopening12, grandopening13, roymustang07, roymustang09, roymustang18 (-70 Pop Points)- Mastery (tohruhonda): roymustang11, roymustang13, homuraakemi03, ichigokurosaki02, ranmarukurosaki15, 10 Pop Points, 5 Color Drops- Mastery (grandopening): roymustang16, roymustang19, balthier06, naomidorikawa05, eschamalier17, 10 Pop Points, 5 Color Drops- Doubles Exchange: nicoyazawa20, fuumamonou14, gaeliobauduin18, kotoriminami15, hanyuufurude07, yoshikotsushima18, fayevalentine14, hanyuufurude20, sakura17, orihimeinoue19, witchrepose18, cecilharvey08, ranmouri13, leifthrasir13, forestfairies08, mcgillisfareed17, eruchitanda05, minaminitta16, sayakamiki19, seiferalmasy10, zhongli11, minakoaino08, yukaritakeba05, camus19, terrabranford11, reijisakamaki04 (-carlos04, cecilharvey14, chiyo07, chiyo11, diarmuiduadubhne08, emmaverde14, eschamalier17, futabasakura18, hanayokoizumi07, hotarutomoe11, izukumidoriya01, kagomehigurashi05, kururusumeragi18, ladyoscar16, lisaimai09, minorikushieda17, naomidorikawa05, orochibattle03, ranmarukurosaki02, shikigranbell05, sunfloweryukata01, utenatenjou03, weareonelight08, yoruichishihouin03, yukinaminato09, yuukoichihara02)- Coupon Exchange: roymustang20, valentines10, valentines11, valentines12, ichigokurosaki05, ichigokurosaki08, ichigokurosaki10 (-7 choice coupons)- Mastery (roymustang): valentines14, valentines15, mochifestival04, photonmelodies18, felicia11, 10 Pop Points, 5 Color Drops- Pop Shop: valentines16 (-10 Pop Points)- Mastery (valentines): ichigokurosaki12, ichigokurosaki13, kisukeurahara12, kohaku13, taigaaisaka06, 10 Pop Points, 5 Color Drops- Level Up (Orange): orihimeinoue15, orihimeinoue14, orihimeinoue13, ayamaruyama05, mochifestival01, gildedrococo06, twinklestars08, valentines04, 50 Pop Points, 10 Color Drops- Pop Shop: orihimeinoue12, shin04, shin05, shin07, shin09 (-70 Pop Points)- Pop Shop: kotoriminami_figure (-20 Color Drops)- Pop Shop: madokakaname_nendoroid (-20 Color Drops)- Pop Shop: makinishikino_figure (-20 Color Drops)- Pop Shop: mikuhatsune_nendoroid (-20 Color Drops)- Pop Shop: nicoyazawa_figure (-20 Color Drops)
June 18, 2021 -----
- War: yasutorasado07, okitasouji10, utenatenjou03, grandopening03, 2 Pop Points- Blackjack: nagitokomaeda07, mikuhatsune16- Card Puzzle: ladyoscar16, reijisakamaki16- Color Wheel: forestfairies17, emmaverde10, 5 Pop Points, 2 Color Drops- Guess the Number: chiyo07, cielphantomhive18, 3 Color Drops- Hangman: crowarmbrust14, seiferalmasy19, 1 Pop Points, 3 Color Drops- Memory: happypills08, harukatenou13, carlos18, kagomehigurashi05, 5 Pop Points- Release Voting: emilia07, tokiyaichinose18, ringonoyamano11, ichigokurosaki06, mikotosuoh06, homuraakemi14- Lotto: minorikushieda17, minaminitta02, 2 Pop Points- Pick an Idol: eevee16- Slot Machine: taigaaisaka13, amazingtraveldna16, juriarisugawa17, natsudragneel04, 2 Pop Points- Puzzle: kyosohma04, chiyo04, felicia07- Level Up (Coral): tohruhonda07, tohruhonda09, tohruhonda10, mikuhatsune19, alphonseelric15, larxene03, rubykurosawa07, amazingtraveldna02, 50 Pop Points, 10 Color Drops
June 08, 2021 -----
- Slot Machine: rebeccabluegarden09, genos18, naomidorikawa01, yuukoichihara02, 2 Pop Points- War: blacklady12, amazingtraveldna20, chriskoron03, reanschwarzer03, 2 Pop Points- Random Event: byakuyakuchiki03, michirukaiou15, mariohara18, usagitsukino06, hanayokoizumi07- Blackjack: darkmousy04, alphonseelric07- Card Puzzle: heartrainbow03, yukisohma20- Color Wheel: chiyosakura10, kyosohma18, 5 Pop Points, 2 Color Drops- Guess the Number: alphonseelric15, michirukaiou01, 3 Color Drops- Hangman: shin17, shikigranbell05, 1 Pop Points, 3 Color Drops- Memory: larxene17, mordred11, ladyoscar20, chiyo11, 5 Pop Points- Release Voting: michirukaiou14, reisakuma09, mikotosuoh07, sesshomaru07, sasukeuchiha08, diarmuiduadubhne19- Puzzle: sakura18, yukinaminato18, eruchitanda10
May 23, 2021 -----
- War: kuja13, carlos15, weareonelight08, clairestanfield14, 2 Pop Points- Blackjack: happypills14, fayevalentine08- Card Puzzle: kururusumeragi14, aymericdeborel13- Color Wheel: homuraakemi20, hotarutomoe03, 5 Pop Points, 2 Color Drops- Guess the Number: emilystewart08, taigaaisaka13, 3 Color Drops- Memory: zerokiryuu17, chriskoron10, rukiakuchiki06, fran14, 5 Pop Points- Hangman: sayakamiki04, kyosohma10, 1 Pop Points, 3 Color Drops- Release Voting: kasumitoyama12, misakiokusawa03, luna03, kasumitoyama16, rebeccabluegarden16, kagomehigurashi05- Lotto: rukiakuchiki13, emilia02, 2 Pop Points- Pick an Idol: chii13- Slot Machine: mochifestival01, larxene02, kyosohma06, carlos16, 2 Pop Points- Puzzle: shin08, kururusumeragi18, hanyuufurude06
May 05, 2021 -----
- Hanami - Bonus: amazingtraveldna16, yukinaminato12, happy02, valentines09, cecilharvey03, haruhifujioka08, roymustang03, larxene03, 25 Petals- War: 2 Color Drops- Blackjack: rubykurosawa10, gildedrococo15- Card Puzzle: seiferalmasy18, hanayokoizumi07- Color Wheel: heartrainbow04, sakurakinomoto04, 5 Pop Points, 2 Color Drops- Guess the Number: kisukeurahara19, fran18, 3 Color Drops- Hangman: gildedrococo09, cecilharvey14, 1 Pop Points, 3 Color Drops- Memory: yukinaminato01, carlos04, atsukokagari15, aimiyashita15, 5 Pop Points- Release Voting: prejoin16, amazingtraveldna06, ringonoyamano09, rukiakuchiki11, mamoruchiba04, mordred01- Puzzle: rinhoshizora07, nagitokomaeda13, larxene20- Slot Machine: sakurakinomoto03, tokiyaichinose01, natsudragneel05, alphonseelric17, 2 Pop Points- Freebies: darkmousy18, byakuyakuchiki13, hotarutomoe15, ladyoscar02, bayonetta03, futabasakura18, 5 Pop Points, 2 Color Drops- Lotto: sakura10- Missing Lyrics: izukumidoriya01, kuja16, 2 Color Drops- Pick an Idol: princessserenity03, uryuuishida01, carlos02, 5 Pop Points, 5 Color Drops- Spot the Differences: carlos01, minaminitta01, gladiolusamicitia01, chiyo07, rebeccabluegarden01, 3 Pop Points- Swap Pot: swapped prejoin16 for butlersinwonderland02- Group Collect: arashikishu20, ranmarukurosaki13, hotarutomoe01 (-chrom17)- Shooting Star: michirukaiou04, royalsupport05, 5 Color Drops- Puzzle Series (01): mordred18, shikigranbell02, sousukeaizen06- Puzzle Series (02): taigaaisaka03, killuazoldyck20, camus10, alisaieleveilleur07- Puzzle Series (03): atsukokagari13, kagomehigurashi13, hajimeichinose07, arashikishu05, harukatenou11- Puzzle Series (04): kururusumeragi18, alisaieleveilleur18, makinishikino02, sousukeaizen03, akoudagawa03, orochibattle04- Puzzle Series (05): homuraakemi18, kasumitoyama05, happy10, mochifestival11, roymustang12, 5 Pop Points, 10 Color Drops, choicecoupon, choicecoupon- Find Me: mochifestival17, emilystewart10, juriarisugawa20, rubykurosawa12, allenwalker11, 10 Pop Points, 10 Color Drops- Find Me: bandpractice18, sasukeuchiha07, ladyoscar03, ruckus20, 5 Pop Points, 10 Color Drops- Collaborate: balthier18, roymustang14- Pop Shop: sebastianmichaelis12, sebastianmichaelis13, sebastianmichaelis14, grandopening18, grandopening17 (-70 Pop Points)- Mastery (sebastianmichaelis): tohruhonda17, tohruhonda18, luna06, mikotosuoh02, yoshikotsushima03, 10 Pop Points, 5 Color Drops- Pop Shop: estinienwyrmblood_figure (-20 Color Drops)- Pop Shop: hanayokoizumi_figure (-20 Color Drops)- Pop Shop: kotoriminami_figure (-20 Color Drops)- Pop Shop: chobits03 (-5 Color Drops)- Pop Shop: beastars01 (-5 Color Drops)- Coupon Exchange: grandopening16, grandopening11 (-2 choice coupons)
April 26, 2021 -----
- Level Up (Red): sousukeaizen06, sousukeaizen09, sousukeaizen19, honokakosaka10, twinklestars17, kururusumeragi10, felicia10, mikakagehira14, 50 Pop Points, 10 Color Drops- Random Event: lucyheartfilia02, hotarutomoe16, princessserenity01- Hanami - Matcha: lucyheartfilia17, gladiolusamicitia04, fayevalentine17, happy14, kotoriminami07, 5 Petals- Mastery (sousukeaizen): haruhifujioka06, haruhifujioka08, gintokisakata06, uryuuishida10, hanayokoizumi19, 10 Pop Points, 5 Color Drops- Doubles Exchange: milesedgeworth19, makinishikino08, butlersinwonderland15, gintokisakata18, sebastianmichaelis08, sasukeuchiha18, happy19 (-sayakamiki17, honokakosaka10, mamitomoe03, ruckus19, happy14, happy14, orochibattle11)- Pop Shop: 2b_figure (-20 Color Drops)- Pop Shop: haruhifujioka01, haruhifujioka05, haruhifujioka16, haruhifujioka20, haruhifujioka12 (-70 Pop Points)- Pop Shop: haruhifujioka14 (-10 Pop Points)- Mastery (haruhifujioka): sebastianmichaelis16, sebastianmichaelis19, yuukoichihara09, valentines02, kohaku10, 10 Pop Points, 5 Color Drops- Pop Shop: chobits01 (-5 Color Drops)- Pop Shop: chobits02 (-5 Color Drops)- Pop Shop: sebastianmichaelis10 (-10 Pop Points)- Donation (Rena Ryugu): juriarisugawa01, cecilharvey14, rubykurosawa02, 5 Pop Points, 1 Color Drops- Level Up (Vermillion): sebastianmichaelis11, sebastianmichaelis15, sebastianmichaelis18, kagomehigurashi20, yukinaminato20, homuraakemi09, reisakuma18, mamitomoe07, 50 Pop Points, 10 Color Drops
April 25, 2021 -----
- War: 2 Color Drops- Blackjack: hanayokoizumi08, ruckus04- Card Puzzle: princessserenity13, orihimeinoue07- Color Wheel: chii18, weareonelight18, 5 Pop Points, 2 Color Drops- Guess the Number: makotokino05, allenwalker01, 3 Color Drops- Hangman: gintokisakata04, reijisakamaki03, 1 Pop Points, 3 Color Drops- Memory: morgana11, hanayokoizumi13, yukinaminato04, yoshikotsushima05, 5 Pop Points- Release Voting: tokiyaichinose10, miraikuriyama03, minorikushieda17, aimiyashita04, kagomehigurashi15, roymustang10- Slot Machine: royalsupport07, ruckus19, chriskoron11, setsunahigashi11, 2 Pop Points- Puzzle: shin10, taigaaisaka07, sakurakinomoto05- Warped Card: bandpractice17, emmaverde12, reanschwarzer12, eruchitanda06, 5 Pop Points, 1 Color Drops- Scrambled: ichigokurosaki18, mamitomoe03, prejoin15, yoshikotsushima13- Card Claim: sebastianmichaelis03 & uryuuishida17- Random Event: harukatenou17- Random Event: rinhoshizora19, taigaaisaka08- Mash Up: fran09, bayonetta15, homuraakemi06, yato13, shikigranbell12, kisukeurahara12, 2 Pop Points- Card Match: clairestanfield17, reijisakamaki10, sunfloweryukata02, shin06, 2 Pop Points
April 21, 2021 -----
- Spot the Differences: tokiyaichinose17, tokiyaichinose14, killuazoldyck13, gintokisakata01, preludetotheend12, 3 Pop Points- Pop Shop: honokakosaka_figure (-20 Color Drops)- Pop Shop: fullmetalalchemist01 (-5 Color Drops)- Pop Shop: fullmetalalchemist02 (-5 Color Drops)- Pop Shop: fullmetalalchemist03 (-5 Color Drops)
April 19, 2021 -----
- Freebies: ranmarukurosaki19, milesedgeworth20, ayamaruyama02, kogaoogami09, photonmelodies19, arashikishu11, 5 Pop Points, 2 Color Drops- War: prejoin06, rubykurosawa07, kotoriminami05, darkmousy15, 2 Pop Points- Blackjack: fayevalentine09, lordelmelloiii06- Color Wheel: usagitsukino04, mikuhatsune15, 5 Pop Points, 2 Color Drops- Guess the Number: prejoin10, roymustang15, 3 Color Drops- Hangman: hanayokoizumi06, happy14, 1 Pop Points, 3 Color Drops- Lotto: natsudragneel01, utenatenjou11, 2 Pop Points- Pick an Idol: dragonsongwar06, hanyuufurude18, ruckus10, 5 Pop Points, 10 Color Drops- Missing Lyrics: yuihirasawa01, hotarutomoe11, 2 Color Drops- Slot Machine: diarmuiduadubhne14, milesedgeworth07, amazingtraveldna19, mamitomoe03, 2 Pop Points- Release Voting: kyouyahibari02, kururusumeragi15, alphonseelric08, emilia13, usagitsukino02, renjiabarai06- Memory: genos19, juriarisugawa09, yato03, yasutorasado20, 5 Pop Points- Card Puzzle: sebastianmichaelis08, valentines01- Puzzle: ladyoscar16, izukumidoriya13, sakura03- Swap Pot: swapped kotoriminami05 for haruhifujioka19- Coupon Exchange: darkmousy14, darkmousy18 (-2 choice coupons)- Mastery (darkmousy): hanyuufurude06, hanyuufurude15, arashikishu01, shin15, ringonoyamano12, 10 Pop Points, 5 Color Drops- Random Event: weareonelight08- Hanami - Sakura Mochi: ranmouri03, reisakuma12, artoriapendragon08, kotoriminami03, arashikishu14, 5 Petals- Mastery (hanyuufurude): sousukeaizen07, sousukeaizen10, honokakosaka12, rukiakuchiki14, emmaverde14, 10 Pop Points, 5 Color Drops- Donation (Joey Wheeler): mamitomoe14, yuukoichihara02, katsukibakugou13, 5 Pop Points, 1 Color Drops
April 17, 2021 -----
- Pop Shop: kerochan_plush (-10 Color Drops)- Pop Shop: chikatakaminesoberi (-10 Color Drops)- Pop Shop: ranmitakenesoberi_mini (-10 Color Drops)- Pop Shop: eliayase_figure (-20 Color Drops)- Pop Shop: fruitsbasket01 (-5 Color Drops)- Pop Shop: fruitsbasket02 (-5 Color Drops)- Pop Shop: byakuyakuchiki16, byakuyakuchiki19, byakuyakuchiki20, darkmousy05, darkmousy04 (-70 Pop Points)- Mastery (byakuyakuchiki): darkmousy20, darkmousy19, tokiyaichinose16, photonmelodies20, yuukoichihara04, 10 Pop Points, 5 Color Drops- Pop Shop: fruitsbasket03 (-5 Color Drops)
April 13, 2021 -----
- Donation (Kaiba Seto): phoenixwright10, yoruichishihouin03, honokakosaka06, 5 Pop Points, 1 Color Drops
April 12, 2021 -----
- War: diarmuiduadubhne16, shinigamibeachparty20, yoruichishihouin02, carlos14, gintokisakata12, kohaku12, alisaieleveilleur03, tohruhonda06, 4 Pop Points- Blackjack: darkmousy11, juriarisugawa08, grandopening05, sasukeuchiha17- Color Wheel: honokakosaka02, orihimeinoue17, twinklestars03, aimiyashita20, 10 Pop Points, 4 Color Drops- Guess the Number: happypills16, yuukoichihara20, diarmuiduadubhne01, yukaritakeba08, 6 Color Drops- Hangman: atsukokagari06, grandopening20, terrabranford09, kisukeurahara04, 2 Pop Points, 6 Color Drops- Memory: katsukibakugou05, naomidorikawa02, ladyoscar15, homuraakemi09, alphonseelric15, grandopening10, mikuhatsune04, orochibattle11, 10 Pop Points- Card Puzzle: orihimeinoue11, setsunahigashi02, mordred04, yoruichishihouin09- Release Voting: shinigamibeachparty17, prejoin05, bayonetta13, blacklady16, valentines17, naomidorikawa18- Slot Machine: sakura17, yukinaminato14, rebeccabluegarden10, taigaaisaka02, reijisakamaki17, hanyuufurude08, beachsidedrive07, yukisohma09, 4 Pop Points- Puzzle: shikigranbell15, reanschwarzer13, artoriapendragon14, makotokino16, naomidorikawa15, ayamaruyama06- Level Up (Salmon): byakuyakuchiki15, byakuyakuchiki18, darkmousy02, nagitokomaeda11, artoriapendragon12, yato08, kogaoogami14, lucyheartfilia09, 50 Pop Points, 10 Color Drops- Hanami - Ichigo Daifuku: chii16, misakiokusawa01, hanyuufurude19, beachsidedrive08, reisakuma17, 5 Petals
April 10, 2021 -----
- Random Event: wintersweets17, sebastianmichaelis03, emmaverde13- Find Me: dragonsongwar14, terrabranford04, orihimeinoue16, larxene20, chriskoron16, 10 Pop Points, 10 Color Drops- Find Me: nagitokomaeda13, kyosohma07, genos20, weareonelight03, 5 Pop Points, 10 Color Drops- Pop Shop: michirukaiou06 (-10 Pop Points)- : prejoin06, happypills17, mikotosuoh13, happypills18, kasumitoyama03, 5 Petals
April 06, 2021 -----
- Pop Shop: beatrix_figure (-20 Color Drops)- Pop Shop: byakuyakuchiki14 (-10 Pop Points)
April 05, 2021 -----
- Level Up (Pink): byakuyakuchiki10, byakuyakuchiki11, byakuyakuchiki12, michirukaiou06, sesshomaru17, happypills19, sesshomaru06, lisaimai06, 50 Pop Points, 10 Color Drops
April 04, 2021 -----
- Puzzle: izukumidoriya09, mikotosuoh02, hajimeichinose07- Card Claim: hanyuufurude01 & royalsupport08- Fashion Check: kagomehigurashi17, carlos04, madokakaname19, 5 Pop Points, 2 Color Drops- Mash Up: fayevalentine01, fran15, eevee07, kyouyahibari06, mikakagehira15, yuukoichihara13, 2 Pop Points- Scrambled: ichigokurosaki16, seiferalmasy20, yukisohma17, yasutorasado08- Warped Card: darkmousy06, alisaieleveilleur07, orochibattle11, juriarisugawa20, 5 Pop Points, 1 Color Drops- Collaborate: darkmousy06, rikunanase07- Shooting Star: kohaku04, fran11, 5 Color Drops- Doubles Exchange: yukinaminato09, byakuyakuchiki02 (-darkmousy06, darkmousy06)- Random Event: atsukokagari08, emmaverde02, yuukoichihara18- Puzzle Series (01): mamitomoe09, bandpractice05, tohruhonda16- Puzzle Series (02): kyosohma12, alphonseelric18, beachsidedrive16, weareonelight01- Puzzle Series (03): twinklestars20, chiyosakura14, usagitsukino14, hotarutomoe19, happypills05- Puzzle Series (04): yoruichishihouin04, lordelmelloiii02, gintokisakata11, lordelmelloiii13, happypills05, byakuyakuchiki01- Puzzle Series (05): mariohara03, aimiyashita19, fran17, roymustang06, tohruhonda08, 5 Pop Points, 10 Color Drops, choicecoupon, choicecoupon- Doubles Exchange: terrabranford07 (-happypills05,yoruichishihouin04,atsukokagari08,madokakaname19)- Coupon Exchange: byakuyakuchiki04, byakuyakuchiki05 (-2 choice coupons)
April 03, 2021 -----
- Blackjack: futabasakura01, madokakaname19- Card Puzzle: atsukokagari05, rinhoshizora01- Color Wheel: chiyosakura03, honokakosaka01, 5 Pop Points, 2 Color Drops- Guess the Number: yoruichishihouin04, yukisohma07, 3 Color Drops- Hangman: lucyheartfilia13, chii07, 1 Pop Points, 3 Color Drops- War: rinhoshizora08, amazingtraveldna01, darkmousy06, killuazoldyck12, 2 Pop Points- Memory: sousukeaizen18, ringonoyamano17, alphonseelric14, rinhoshizora02, 5 Pop Points- Release Voting: sakurakinomoto08, atsukokagari08, phoenixwright12- Slot Machine: prejoin19, morgana04, fran08, haruhifujioka15, 2 Pop Points
April 01, 2021 -----
- Starter Pack: , +2 sTrade Logs