SalyaDarken (mc-SalyaDarken)
 (Level 2)
Status: Active |
Rank: Pink (Level 2) |
Collecting: yuna |
Card Count: 0 |
Joined: November 30, -0001 |
Last seen: November 30, -0001 at 12:00 AM |
This user hasn't added any decks on their wishlist.
This member haven't mastered any decks yet.
Member Cards
 Event Cards

Activity Logs
September 18, 2021 -----
- Random Event: seiferalmasy05, artoriapendragon19, chiyo03, tartaglia10 September 16, 2021 ----- - Release Voting: yukinaminato01, belial03, hutao01, renjiabarai16, sorataarisugawa18, yui13- Puzzle: miraikuriyama05, kagomehigurashi06, rosetoz19- Memory: promptoargentum12, shin17, beachsidedrive16, hanyuufurude04, 5 Pop Points- Hangman: nicoyazawa08, felicia20, 1 Pop Points, 3 Color Drops- Guess the Number: cainchargreaves03, preludetotheend11, 3 Color Drops- Color Wheel: seiferalmasy16, chriskoron07, 5 Pop Points, 2 Color Drops- Card Puzzle: rukiakuchiki04, ayamaruyama13- Blackjack: akarimizunashi17, alicecarroll13 September 08, 2021 ----- - Color Wheel: bayonetta17, kurohyatogami19, 5 Pop Points, 2 Color Drops- Card Puzzle: lordelmelloiii01, misakiokusawa12- Guess the Number: fuumamonou02, gaeliobauduin13, 3 Color Drops- Hangman: izukumidoriya20, gengar11, 1 Pop Points, 3 Color Drops- Memory: sebastianmichaelis09, aikasgranzchesta12, setsunameiou11, cielphantomhive10, 5 Pop Points- Puzzle: acedportgas18, valentines06, yukisohma19- Release Voting: killuazoldyck18, noctisluciscaelum13, ranmarukurosaki17, chiyosakura15, ranmasaotome07, lulu04- Slot Machine: merlin18, kagomehigurashi11, orochibattle10, genos11, 2 Pop Points- War: artoriapendragon06, ladyoscar07, mamitomoe09, roymustang13, 2 Pop Points- Card Match: futabasakura07, reihino20, deelaytner07, kyouyahibari01, minorikushieda18, yasutorasado06, beachsidedrive04, okitasouji01, 4 Pop Points- Level Up (Pink): yuna01, fou19, jeangunnhildr15, cecilharvey17, yui16, tohruhonda05, 50 Pop Points, 10 Color Drops- Pop Shop: yuna02, yuna03, yuna05, yuna06, yuna07 (-70 Pop Points)- Blackjack: misakiokusawa07, nagitokomaeda04 August 30, 2021 ----- - Release Voting: witchrepose11, artoriapendragon20, killuazoldyck08, chii19, mariohara11, uryuuishida04- Blackjack: nanakomatsu03, chibiusatsukino04- Card Puzzle: chrom12, fou08- Color Wheel: ayamaruyama10, chiyo01, 5 Pop Points, 2 Color Drops- Guess the Number: genos05, honokakosaka08, 3 Color Drops- Hangman: haruhifujioka04, kisukeurahara08, 1 Pop Points, 3 Color Drops- Memory: hanyuufurude19, mordred04, ranmarukurosaki06, rubykurosawa01, 5 Pop Points- Puzzle: chibiusatsukino11, artemis03, seiferalmasy14- Slot Machine: amaterasu03, rinhoshizora18, kagomehigurashi20, yuihirasawa06, 2 Pop Points- Card Claim: morgana06, morgana17, morgana16 & morgana18- Collaborate: kagomehigurashi07, rukiakuchiki09- Puzzle Series (01): chii15, kuja05, emmaverde17- Puzzle Series (02): sakura15, amazingtraveldna12, miraikuriyama11, aikasgranzchesta14- Puzzle Series (03): queenberyl07, camus15, yuihirasawa05, amaterasu19, ponyo05- Puzzle Series (04): milesedgeworth04, yukisohma06, happy20, rinhoshizora14, akoudagawa09, yoruichishihouin05- Puzzle Series (05): yato07, gilgamesh02, princessserenity05, gengar17, gintokisakata12, 5 Pop Points, 10 Color Drops, choicecoupon, choicecoupon August 17, 2021 ----- - Starter Pack: , +2 s- Find Me: kuja08, orochibattle03, kohaku13, otomearisugawa02, yurikatoudou05, 10 Pop Points, 10 Color Drops- War: minorikushieda15, yurikatoudou01, utenatenjou15, hajimeichinose10, 2 Pop PointsTrade Logs
- Please allow at least 7 days for a response to your trade request.
- If the form doesn't work, feel free to email me at
- Please spell out card names COMPLETELY. (ie. do NOT type cardname01/02; DO type cardname01, cardname02)
- If you aren't sure what to give me, just put card00 and I'll visit your profile!